
Rev. Miniard Culpepper, Pastor

Pastor Culpepper

Rev. Miniard Culpepper is the Senior Pastor of the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church where he has served for the past 21 years; a church founded by his grandfather, the late Dr. Samuel H. Bullock, Sr. He also served as an Associate Minister at the historic Metropolitan Baptist church in Washington, D.C. under the leadership of the Dr. H. Beecher Hicks, Jr.

Rev. Culpepper is a former member of the Washington, D.C. Baptist Minister’s Conference, former Board Member of the Black Ministerial Alliance of Boston, member of the Boston Baptist Minister’s Conference, former President of the National association of Black Seminarians, received the Henry Maynard Preaching Award from Howard university School of Divinity, member of National Progressive Baptist, National Baptist, and the American Baptist. Rev. Culpepper was the Acting Director for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships working directly for the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnership,  Founder of the Trotter Park Peace Program, and created the Six Point Peace plan, and Co-directed the video, Jahmol’s Plan for Youth Peace.

Rev. Miniard Culpepper received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Brandeis University and a law degree from Suffolk University Law School. He received his Master of Divinity Degree from Howard University School of Divinity. Prior to joining the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Mr. Culpepper served as Chief of Staff to Congresswoman Barbara-Rose Collins, (D) Michigan.  He also served as Staff Director to Council member John Ray, District of Columbia City Council. Mr. Culpepper was an attorney in private practice specializing in labor law, housing, and personal injury law in Boston, MA prior to moving to Washington, D.C.

Mr. Culpepper has worked on numerous local and national political campaigns serving as senior campaign official in the Kennedy (1980) and Clinton (1992) campaigns for President of the United States. He also served as a member of the Democratic National Committee Credentials Committee in 1980 as a Kennedy representative.

He is a member of the Massachusetts and District of Columbia bars, a member of the First Circuit Court of Appeals, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, United States District Court, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, and the Supreme Court of the United States.

Minister Dr. Catherine Daly-Constant

Minister Constant

Dr. Catherine Constant is the eldest daughter of four children of the late Rev. Joseph and Edith Daly. For over 29 years, Dr. Catherine Constant has been married to Mr. Errol Constant. They are the proud parents of two children. Stephen and Karen Ann. She is a native and resident of Boston, MA. Her family is original from The Island of Montserrat, West Indies. Her grandparents, Walter and Catherine Wade established churches in Montserrat, and contributed financially to building Bible colleges throughout the Caribbean. Her grandmother, Catherine was a “praying” woman and she was an important person in shaping her identity. The Beulah Pilgrim Holiness Prayer Chapel was named in memory of her aunt, Rev. Ann Wade who was the assistant pastor at Beulah Pilgrim Holiness Church for over 50 years. Within her family are many ministers, worship leaders and church leaders.

Dr. Constant was the Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services for the 2013 – 2014 school years. She retired in 2014 to pursue the call to ministry. She was the principal of the Oliver Wendell Holmes in Dorchester, Massachusetts. She was the principal from September, 2004 to April 2013 when she responded to the request of Superintendent Carol Johnson to become a “Principal-on-Assignment” supporting the inclusion plan for Boston Public Schools. She was a CAYL Principal Fellow for the CAYL Institute (Early Childhood Education) from 2008 to the 2012. In addition, she was a National Board Certified Teacher.

Dr. Constant has a wealth of experience in public education as a teacher, and as a principal. She previously served as assistant principal at the Charles Taylor School. As a teacher, she has taught at the Mozart Elementary School, Joseph Lee Elementary School, John Winthrop Elementary, Pauline A. Shaw, Lewenburg Middle School and the Woodrow Wilson Middle School.

In 2006, Dr. Constant was awarded the Educators Ministerial Alliance Award from the Black Ministers Alliance of Massachusetts. In addition, she was also awarded a Horace Mann Grant ( 1989, 1990), Impact II Adaptor Grant (1991, 1992), EM-MAT (1991, 1992), Rollins Griffith Teacher Grant (1997) and the  Bay State Readers Grant (2001). In 2003, she was awarded her National Board Teacher Certification as a Middle Childhood/Generalist.

Dr. Constant attended The Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts from 1996 to 1998. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary, Special Education and Psychology from Simmons College of Boston, Massachusetts, and a Master Degree from Bridgewater State College of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. In 2009 she earned a Doctorate of Education from the NOVA Southeastern University in Educational Leadership. She is presently obtaining a Master of Divinity in Urban Church ministry at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

She and her family have worshipped at Beulah Pilgrim Holiness Church where she gave her life to Christ at an early age of 5 years old. The Beulah Pilgrim Holiness Church was her family church for 20 years. She also worshipped at Jubilee Christian Church for 25 years where she worked in the Sunday school, and as a worship team leader.  She has toured and evangelized around the world as a gospel singer in London, West Indies, Canada and the United States. She released many gospel albums throughout her career. Two major musical projects in 1985 entitled “Through the Storm” and 1993 entitled “Joy of the Lord” played on WEZE radio and other local stations.

In 2007, Minister Catherine Constant joined her twin brother, Joseph (Keith) Daly Jr., at the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church to assist with the worship team ministry as praise and worship leader, and choir director. Later, she accepted the call to preach the gospel. In May 2010, she gave her trial sermon at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church entitled, “Embracing the Love” using John 3:16 and Matthew 22:36-40. She was appointed the position, Director of Christian Education for Pleasant Hill Baptist Church from 2010 to 2012 and has been preaching the Gospel as she may have opportunity and to exercise her gifts in the work of the Ministry.

Minister Gentle Culpepper, Sr.

Minister Culpepper Sr.

Minister Gentle Culpepper, Jr. is a licensed Baptist minister at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Dorchester, Massachusetts. He is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is also an army veteran who served his country well.

Minister Culpepper’s employment history is varied holding many positions during his career including a clerk, waiter, actor, cab driver, and limousine driver. Additionally, one of his favorite jobs was working as a custodian. He’s humble and loves to make people laugh. He has also been singing with the Men’s Choir for many years. “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:2

He created a telephone ministry which focuses on spreading love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He can be reached at (617) 818-3935. Pray for everything good and God Bless You All!

Minister Kevin Poindexter

Minister Kevin Poindexter

Min. Kevin Poindexter

Minister Kevin Poindexter is a licensed Baptist minister at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Dorchester, Massachusetts.   He also sings with the Men’s Choir-Brotherhood Ensemble and helps supervises the Youth Usher Board.  He is a graduate of Arlington (METCO Program) Schools and grew up in the Roxbury and Dorchester towns of Boston.  He is the oldest son of Ms. Sharon Poindexter of whom had five children.

 Minister Poindexter has worked all his life in the restaurant business.  He has also worked with and mentored the Youth.  He is proud of many things but most of all his wife Tina, his five kids, grandson, and becoming a minister at Pleasant Hill.  He is the first in his family to become a minister.

Four scriptures sum up his love for the Lord and his calling into the ministry:

John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. “

Philippian 4:13 “ I can do all this through him who gives me strength. “

Psalm 150: 1-6 “ Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.  Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. “

Colossians 3:16a “ Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly “

Minister of Music, Dennis Montgomery, III


Minister Montgomery

Montgomery grew up singing and playing in Baptist churches around the upper Louisiana area under the tutelage of his father and mother, Dennis Montgomery II and Eddie Mae Montgomery. By the time he was nine years old Montgomery was proficient enough on the Hammond B3 Organ to get hired to work alongside his father at Stonewall Baptist Church and also at nearby St. Mary’s Baptist Church. Montgomery’s father, who played mostly by ear, was the minister of music at Stonewall Baptist Church in Shreveport but he was not the only one playing into Montgomery’s life. Montgomery’s mother also played organ but unlike her husband was trained classically which only continued to broaden Montgomery’s musical horizons.

Montgomery began at Berklee College of Music in 1983, declared piano as his principal instrument and majored in Music Education. Shortly after his arrival at Berklee, he immediately headed for the gospel choir which at that time was only an extra curricular activity. Montgomery soon joined the choir as a student director and accompanist to assist former Berklee faculty member Orville Wright. A year after his arrival with the choir, Montgomery saw the addition of the gospel choir to the permanent curriculum with an academic weight of two credits. Because of Montgomery’s strong belief of being wholly educated in whatever field one might study, he was very pleased with the adding of the choir to the school’s curriculum. When asked why he thought the addition of the choir was crucial to the school he said, “We know that jazz has its roots in the negro spiritual, which is gospel music. Gospel is also the mother of a lot of other secular music that America has produced.”  (Bio credited to Wikipedia)

“In a biblical context, the word gospel means ‘good news.’ Whether people come to listen or to join in and sing, people naturally want to spread good news. This brings people of all races, creeds, and colors together. It’s something that seems to happen automatically with gospel music.”

Norris Welch

Norris Welch, Administrative Assistant
Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church
155 Humboldt Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02121
Email: pleasantchurch2@aol.com